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Queer Lisbon Tour Business Criteria

With 6 foundational criteria guiding our business, here’s what sets our tours apart any other experience you’ll find in Portugal:

1- Fair Work

We ensure dignified working conditions for our employees, this includes fair financial compensation and commitment to fostering a culture of respect and dialogue.

2- Relevante to BIPOC & Immigrant-Owned Venus

We prioritize BIPOC narratives in crafting our tour and in selecting our partners, focusing on business owned by Black, Indigenous and People of cOLOR, as well as immigrand-owned spaces.

3- Real Trans Friendly Spaces

We create partnerships with establisments that actively prioritize the needs of trans individuals, respecting THEIR identities and fostering a safe enviroment for work opportuniries. 

4- Fair relationship between business owners, employees & clients

We prioritize partnerships with venues and spaces known for maintaining fair and respectful relationships with both clients and employees. We don’t believe in inclusive spaces that mistreat their workers.

5- Spaces that welcome queer women

We are intentional in avoiding environments with misogyny, even within LGBTQ+ spaces. Our commitment is to curate experiences that prioritize inclusivity and respect everyone within the LGBTQ+ spectrum.

6- Warm Customer Service

We seek out queer spaces that prioritize a warm custumer service, fostering a welcoming atmosphere where our clients feel valued and respected.

Each time you pay for a service, you’re not just exchanging money; you’re endorsing the values of that business. Our consumer choices carry weight, influencing the cultural and societal landscape around us.

That’s why we chose to found an LGBT travel business—it’s not just about a concept; it’s about financial awareness and support for uplifting a community.

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