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Our Impact


Queer Lisbon Tour is a registered business co-founded by a Brazilian – Portuguese couple, dedicated to foster integration between the LGBTQIA+ community and the locals in Portugal. Our focus lies in a decolonial lens, unraveling narratives that go beyond traditional perspectives.​


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Local partnerships established, collaborations with LGBTQ+ organizations, businesses, and services. Our goal here is to direct tourists and tourism revenue in Portugal towards establishments owned by LGBTQ+ and BIPOC individuals. Our tours are inherently connected to this mission.

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Tours we gave that had educational and research purposes, including those provided to schools, teenagers in Portugal, youth traveling for educational projects, and businesses seeking to offer inclusive experiences to their employees. These are connected to our purpose of providing information and education. We are not casual on these tours. We tell the truth.

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Our goal in these tours is to share our research and connect people with the significant influence that colonialism had on the mindset towards sexuality, gender, and homosexuality in Portugal. We cannot tell the history of Portugal without discussing colonialism, and we cannot discuss LGBTQ+ history without addressing colonialism. This means: we need to understand how the structures of oppression that we are still tied to, perpetuate violence and lack of opportunity for our community.


Connect with spaces that welcome queer women

We are intentional in avoiding environments with misogyny, even within LGBTQ+ spaces. Our commitment is to curate experiences that prioritize inclusivity and respect for everyone within the LGBTQ+ spectrum. If we are aware of any violence in queer-owned establishments, you will not find these spaces in any of our lists or suggestions.


Relevance to BIPOC and immigrant owned spaces

We prioritize BIPOC narratives in crafting our tours, in our research and in selecting our partners, focusing on businesses owned by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), as well as immigrant-owned spaces.


Real trans friendly spots

We create partnerships with establishments that actively prioritize the needs of trans individuals, thus fostering a safe environment for work opportunities. Being mindful of the privileges and needs that deeply permeate our community is integral to the impact we aspire to create. Trans people in Portugal continue to be invisibilized.


Fair relationship between business owners, employees & clients

We prioritize partnerships with venues and spaces known for maintaining fair and respectful relationships with both employees and clients. This ensures a fair treatment of our clients and a positive working environment for our community. We do not partner with establishments that do not pay fair wages in time to their employees or perpetuate an abusive work environment.

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